Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sitting Up for the 1st Time

It seems as soon as I updated the blog at 10:30 some changes began to take place. Danielle became nauseated for the first time while still in PICU.  She had  trouble with her oxygen levels when sleeping so she is on oxygen.  At around 11:30 today we got to move up to a room on the 10th floor.  The movement on and off the elevator made her sick. As soon as we got settled, physical therapy came in. She told us that Danielle would be sitting up twice today for 15 to 20 minutes.  The process includes a team of 2 "log rolling" her to one side.  Danielle then puts her arms around the PT as the aide lifts Danielle's legs. They then help her to turn and sit.  After she sat  on the edge of the bed and caught her breath Danielle then hugged the PT again and she stood up and drug her feet and turned and sat in a chair.  She became light headed after that and got sick one more time. She is on medication to prevent her from getting sick but with all the movement it happened anyway.  She sat up for about 20 minutes and in her words was "ready to lay down again."  It's 2:00 pm and she is resting peacefully on her side again.

The x-rays tell the whole story...The one on the left is the x-ray that was taken when we were here in December.  The x-ray shows how her left side really curves in and her right side is straight. .  The x-ray on the right was taken in the operating room.  Danielle was laying on a table and not standing for this x-ray.  You can see the rods and screws. Dr. Lenke had to go up pretty high to correct the kyphosis.  Notice how both of her sides curve evenly!   While lying in the PICU yesterday we were telling Danielle about this x-ray.  She could hardly wait to see it.  She ran her hands down her side and said "Mom, both my sides feel the same now."  There's no huge hump on the right and big curve on the left!  Sleeping should be more comfortable as well.  Before surgery she almost always slept on her back because any other position put too much pressure on one side or the other and she hurt. 


  1. Thanks so much for posting the progress reports on Danielle.
    We're all praying and cheering her on here. The before and after xrays are incredible!
    We miss you here, but you are where you need to be right now.

  2. Those pictures are amazing! You look like you are already making progress keep up the awesome work! Oh and Noah wad sitting on my lap and seen the picture of you smiling and says "cheeeeese!" Keep that smile on your so strong!

  3. I love reading the updates and progress reports!! Danielle, you are a ROCK STAR!!! We will keep praying and we have been thinking of you all daily! God bless!

  4. Danielle, I'm proud of you. Keep up the good work. We miss you here at school. Mr. Johnson

  5. I love reading all off the great updates!! Our little saints class said a special prayer for you tonight!! Praying for a smooth and speedy recovery!

  6. Don't forget to push the button on that pump if you need to awards are given for trying to be Super Woman, so make sure you stay ahead of the pain as that alone can make you physically ill! I know sometimes the second and third days prove to be most challenging, so I've been praying hard for you and will continue to do so. Only YOU can pull off the hospital gown 'look' and still be as beautiful as ever! I'm sending my thoughts, prayers and love your way and am looking forward to the next update.

  7. Wow! This is amazing! Brought tears to my eyes! This is a big step in your life. So proud!

  8. Glad everything went well...and thanks for the continued updates. Love and prayers to all!
