Sunday, January 12, 2014


We are so glad to be home.  Danielle's brothers welcomed her home with balloons and a stuffed animal!  She was so glad to see them!   The trip today was very hard on Danielle.  She is sore in places where she wasn't sore before.  We stopped several times so that she could get out of the car and walk around.  Getting in and out of the Yukon was tricky.  We had to borrow a chair because our couch and recliners sink too low for her and are also too soft.  She needs something firm and with good back support while sitting.  Her therapy while home is to sit up and walk.  She was very tired and sore today.  I woke her at 10 pm  to give meds and will wake her up at 12:30 to give her more meds and help her turn from her side to her back. It feels so good to be home and I know Danielle will continue to progress and get better every day!  Thanks to my sister Rhonda for visiting us in the hospital on Friday and bringing fruit for us to eat!  Thanks to everyone who helped keep my boys at home fed too!  I also came home to food in my refrigerator!  WOW!  We also appreciate all the encouraging words and prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Adam, Kelly, Sam and AdelineJanuary 14, 2014 at 9:50 AM

    Glad to hear you are home. Tell Danielle to hang in there. The Willard's have been pulling for Danielle and her support team!
