Thursday, January 23, 2014

Not Feeling So Well

It was 2 weeks on Tuesday since Danielle has had surgery.  She was feeling so much better over the weekend that when Monday came around and she was feeling worse and we were shocked.  Monday, Tuesday and this morning Danielle has been dealing with stomach issues. She threw up Monday and Tuesday (which is NOT fun with a very sore back.).  Her stomach has been bothering her and her back is hurting pretty bad.  She would be up for an hour or so and then sleep a couple of hours.  So needless to say she has not attempted to do any homework. :(  She was able to take her first shower  on Tuesday since surgery and that felt WONDERFUL to her.  Her incision still is covered with glue but it really looks great.  At around 10:30 today I talked to a person with pain management from the hospital, we have changed up her medication a little and she had a wonderful afternoon!  Monday and Tuesday she ate a LITTLE bit of lunch and then slept the afternoon away.  This morning after a shower she laid down for a while and has been up all afternoon.  She ate a little for lunch and has sat up and even worked on her computer this afternoon.  She didn't lay down to rest until around 4:30.  This is the best she's felt since Sunday.  I think that what we have changed in her medication has already made a difference.  She's tired of hurting and she's tired of sitting in the only chair  we have in the living room that is firm enough to support her back.  She said she'd love to just curl up in a ball or sit in the recliner or couch.  Monday and Tuesday were hard on her outlook. Hopefully we are headed the right direction once again! 

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