Tuesday, January 7, 2014


We have been with Danielle in PICU since about 3:30 or so. She is really doing great!  She has been awake off and on all evening. More asleep than awake.  She is very sleepy.  She has a pump for pain medication. She is in charge of it herself.  She laid on her side for a couple of hours.  She's been her witty self when she's awake.  She was frustrated because she wanted to listen to the games and she slept through most of them. We updated her when she was awake. Her face isn't as swollen as we anticipated. She really looks great considering what she has been through. She is positive and when the nurses come in to check on her (they always have to wake her up) she smiles and says "Thanks!"  The first picture is when we just got into her room in PICU and the second was taken at around 9:15 pm.


  1. So glad to hear Danielle is doing well! Continuing to pray for her recovery! Thanks for the updates, we have been thinking of you all.

  2. Way to go Danielle! So proud of you! You are in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. Such a trooper! Good job girl sounds like your doing awesome! Prayers for you!
