Wednesday, January 8, 2014

One Day Down

"One day down."  Those were Danielle's words this morning.  Danielle is doing very well. She was alert more than I expected yesterday.  She talked to her brothers on the phone last night.  Her speech is a little slurred at times and she'll almost doze off in the middle of a sentence.  That makes me laugh.  She'll look at me funny and say, "What are you laughing at, I didn't say anything funny."  It really annoys her when she thinks I'm laughing at her.   They have turned her on her side 4 different times now.  Dr. Lenke and his staff  came in this morning and said she looks good.  She was awake from 4-6am this morning and the pain meds are making her itchy so they gave her Benedryl in one of her IV's. That knocked her right out.  We have been giving her some ice chips and she has been cleared to have liquids today. We will be moving out of PICU to the 10th floor today sometime.  I will post an address when I get it.  Her pain level has increased and she is uncomfortable at times. At one point she said "I just want to curl up into a ball."  She will be sitting up today but not sure they will have her stand up.  She is a little nervous about that because when they turn her to her side it is painful.  She is anticipating that sitting up will be painful too.  The hospital staff and volunteers here at St. Louis Children's Hospital are wonderful!  I have read the comments posted to Danielle and each one of them put a smile on her face.  Thanks so much for all the support and prayers that are coming our way!

**I'm not sure why the time on the blog posts are so off.  The time of this post said 8:33 am and it is 10:30 am.


  1. What a trooper! So proud of your fighting spirit Danielle.
    Life has taught me to ask for strength to handle what God has chosen as our path.
    So I pray for you to have the strength to travel this road.
    This will all be a memory in the blink of an eye.
    Loads of people are praying for you.

  2. Sounds like she is doing great at less than 24 hours after surgery. Hang in there and you will be back before you know it. We will keep praying.

  3. So glad to hear she is doing better than expected. We will keep praying and can't wait to see your smiling face!

  4. Still praying for you guys!!! Glad she is doing well I knew she would be strong :-)
