Thursday, December 26, 2013

Our Decision

After much discussion, and Danielle talking to friends and looking at posts on YouTube of other girls who have gone through a similar surgery, she finally decided the sooner the better. I called Melissa on November 19th and told her we would take the February 13th date.  I also asked that if anything opened up sooner we would take it.  Dr. Lenke deals with some major spinal deformities and I hated to even ask to be moved up to an earlier date, seeing the needs of others in the waiting room.  Once again our prayers were answered..... Melissa called us just before Thanksgiving and told us that they had an opening on January 7th.  So.... we are set for surgery on January 7th.  We set up appointments for pre-op and lots of tests on December 12th. We would see Dr. Lenke again that day.

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